Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chapter One: Final part

Farewell Palo Duro Canyon.  I hope we see you again sometime, although I would wish for slightly warmer temperatures. Or at least the possibility of a fire.
 We took to the road again, to head back to Archer City, but we went through Amarillo this time,
 SO, we were able to see the colossal feet of ozymandias...
 AND the Cadillac Ranch, which was as good as I had imagined.
 Willah is pleased with herself because she has actually added some spray paint to that wheel.
(Notice the camping clothes she brought with her...)
 Here they are. Cool, eh?
 Here they are with the intrepid campers.
 And, here they are with the woman who sometimes wears rose-coloured glasses.
 After that the drive was pretty uneventful.  Except that on the way back my new obsession was the beautiful oil drills that we saw every few miles.
 Once again I heard caustic teenage remarks about how really stupid it was to take pictures from the moving car, because obviously they would all be crappy photographs. Yes. Maaaaybe. But if you do that often enough, the driver might stop the car...
 and then you can get out and take a photograph.  You see?
This time we made it back to Archer City with five minutes to spare for the bookstore.  A few books were purchased.  Although they did not have copy of the Lonesome Dove.  Well, actually, yes they did, but it cost $800 so we didn't buy it. Instead I bought a t-shirt that says: "This would make a story if there was anybody to tell it." -Woodrow Call, Lonesome Dove.
Now in case you were paying attention and read the other parts to Chapter One, there was a burning question posted on the movie marquee in Archer City and we were hoping to find out how it was answered when we got back. You maybe surprised to hear this, but NO ONE knew the answer.  In fact, and this is harder to believe considering the whopping size of the place, most people we asked (and we asked several) hadn't actually noticed the sign.... this is a two street town!   Seriously?? What is wrong with you people?!  Don't you go out at all? Harumph.  Glenn actually left his office number with the lady at the grocery mart so she could call, if she managed to find out.  (She promised not to put it on the bathroom wall).  Somehow I doubt very much if we will ever know.
And, thus endeth Chapter One.
Oh wait.
This wee fellow came home with us from the Rustic Relics.  He suits our cactus bed pretty well, we think.

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