Friday, December 21, 2012

Chapter Seven: Travelling in Erudite Circles

Yes, I most certainly do.  A recent example: A few days ago I was privileged to take my first grade students to a Nick Cave art show at the Jones Center in downtown Austin. Since there were not enough drivers, I drove four young art lovers in my own car.  After the field trip, (which was wonderful, and spent largely trying to keep small hands from touching the art...) we drove back to school.  I listened carefully for pearls of youthful wisdom about the beauty and importance of art, and was privy to the following conversation: (We were travelling west along sixth street, nearing mopac.)

Student One said matter-of-factly: " This looks like the road we were driving on when we went to Dallas and we were stuck in such a bad traffic jam I had to pee in my water bottle" (whoa, way to get the conversation started!)
Students Two, Three and Four: "Eeeeeeeewwww!"
Student Two: "Was there still water in your water bottle?"
Student One: "No I had finished it, that's why I had to pee."
Student Three and Four: "Eeeewww!
Student One: " Later we had to stop at a McDonald's, so I could get a sprite because I was thirsty and there was only pee in my water bottle."  (more eeeewwws)
Then the conversation really got rolling:
Student Three: "Hey, spell 'I cup"
Student Four: " I-C-U-P."
Students One,Two and Three:  "Ha, ha, you said: I see you pee." (Hysterical laughter)
Student Three: Spell 'Mississipi'.
Student Four: "M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I"
Students Two and Four: "Ha, ha... you said pee pee"  (and on it went all the way back to school)

WHaaat???  Were you expecting something about colour and texture? Movement and line? Sheesh.
There you have a wee glimpse of my life these days.  Ah, the joys of being six.  Eat yer heart out all you university types.
God Bless all first graders. Everywhere.

p.s. I am asked to spell "I cup" at least once every day.

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